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Stackable guides are coming!
29. September 2022
We are proud to present “Stackable Guides”, the next generation of design software for complex and immediate loading cases!
Visit us on EAO in Geneva, September 29th – October 1st!
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Doctor's choice of implants in SMOP
30. October 2020
Today we’ve decided to talk to our SMOP community about such an important question as implant choice in SMOP. Everyone knows that SMOP has a big library and every user can find what he likes or try a new option. If something is missing, our team will always be happy to find a possibility to integrate the customer’s desire. Having talked to our customers, we asked them what implant system they prefer and how easy and comfortable for them is to work with their choice in SMOP. We are pleased to get the doctors’ feedback and share it with you:
Dr. Pascal Naegeli (Zahnarztpraxis Naegeli, Switzerland). The doctor’s choice is Straumann implants:
“I mainly use Straumann implants because it is one of the best documented systems I know. I tried out different implant planning software but nowadays I only work with SMOP. The software is very intuitive. The visibility of the implant during the planning process is great and clear. With one click I can change the implant type and the settings of the guided Straumann system and see which one I want to use during surgery.The software has a good price-performance ratio and an excellent support.”
Dr. Sascha Djiauw (Djiauw Tandzorg, the Netherlands). The doctor’s choice is Dentsply Astra EV implants:
“I choose SMOP because of the skeletal design of the surgical templates. In combination with Dentsply Astra EV implants I can place the implants accurately in function of the future restorations. The 2nd advantage of Astra EV implants is their collaboration with Swissmeda: the guided surgery burs are useful in combination with steco sleeves. Also some fixtures of Astra EV havea scalloped/oblique cervical contour, so it can be used in non straight alveolar ridges reducing the need of GBR (Guided Bone Regeneration).”
Dr. Dias Jose (Clinique Dentaire de Lausanne, Switzerland). The doctor’s choice is DIO and Nobel implants:
“In fact I am really happy that I’ve discovered your system that allows me to perform guided surgery in a simple way. In the clinic where I work, the implant options are DIO, Straumann and Nobel Biocare. Depending on the price, it is up to the patient to choose. Till now, I’ve performed the cases with DIO and Nobel implants. For DIO, I did not do the full guided surgery because in your data library the DIO UF implants are not present and because I don’t have the Dio Navi kit yet. I used that to get the positioning and the direction of the first cutter. My experience for the full guided surgery with Nobel implants in SMOP is positive. I think from now on I will be a frequent SMOP user.”
Dr. Raid Ali (Restore Dental Group, United Kingdom). The doctor’s choices are Sweden Martina, Osstem and Biohorizons implant systems:
“I have been using smop for the last 3 years and I have never had any problems with it. I do use guides for nearly every case I do as I like to place in the best ideal position. I tried a few other softwares but SMOP is just the best to use and easy to store and save. Simple steps to follow and you are there.The most important factor is the accuracy of the guide and the software. I’ve also recently started using it for immediate implants and the accuracy was impressive. I use different implant systems such as Sweden Martina, Osstem and Biohorizons. I have never had any problem with any of these systems.I also must admit the great great support I always have from Hugo and Emma. They are both the heart of my planning as without them I wouldn’t achieve these great results. In addition to the above, the software is great to view and to check your CBCT files. So even if I am not planning a guide, I use the software to aid me to view and to plan the case as it is very easy to understand.Last thing to mention is the mobile phone app which is really good and simple to use.Thank you all for all your help and support!” |
New version 2.15.4 released!
15. October 2019
Our team is pleased to announce that the new version of SMOP has been recently released. Have you checked it already?
SMOP has got new features which will make your work easier and faster:
New template design feature “Adhesive channels” to support gluing. Some sleeves on the market have a glossy surface that makes it difficult to glue and fix them into the template. Now it is possible to add horizontal or vertical channels for the most frequently used sleeves to solve the bonding issue.
Printer offset. To accommodate various printing technologies, a small offset may be required to modify hole diameters for sleeves and spoons so that they accurately fit the resulting plastic hole of the template. This feature is available only to Template Design users for the most frequently used kits. This feature should be additionally requested from Swissmeda.
Option to modify the shape of arches and rails. Now it is possible to add additional points to adjust an arch’s shape. Arch elongation can be stopped by holding “ALT” key. The snapping of picked arch points to 3D geometries in the case can be disabled by pressing the “Shift” button.
We’ve also updated the implant library and added some new implant series for the following companies: Megagen, Osteo-ti, Trate, GlobaID, SDS, BTK, Alpha Bio, SIC, Neodent, Camlog.
The team always improves the features that we have in SMOP:
Materials for 3D printing, let’s look closer!
19. August 2019
From our experience one of the most frequently asked questions from those who are interested in SMOP is: What kind of material is used to print the guides? We’ve decided to cover this topic in our blog.
One of the most popular materials for SMOP guides printing is MED 610. Why it is so convenient for SMOP surgical templates? Let’s examine this question step by step.
- Why this material is chosen for producing the templates? It is a transparent, biocompatible PolyJet™ material medically approved for bodily contact.
- What are the advantages for SMOP guides while printing with it? The material is designed for dental applications and is approved for permanent skin contact (more than 30 days) and limited mucosal membrane contact (up to 24 hours).
- Are there any disadvantages? We’ve not noticed any disadvantages while producing and using the material. The only thing is that the material becomes brittle over the time if it is not stored properly. It should be stored in a plastic bag and protected from the sunlight.
- Does it require any special sterilization? There are a couple of ways to sterilize the template without any harm for them. 1. Glutaraldehyde and Formaldehyde Solutions - are additional accepted liquid sterilizing agents (it can take up to 12 hours to kill all spores). 2. Ethylene Oxide (EO) - gas is commonly used to sterilize objects that cannot survive temperatures greater than 60C. Ethylene Oxide is generally carried out between 30C and 60C with relative humidity above 30%. 3. Plasma Sterilization - when a modulated electric field is applied to a pair of electrodes, a plasma is formed which makes the Oxygen molecules of the air passing near the electrodes break down into reactive oxygen species (ROS). Organic substrates (bacteria, viruses and mold spores) that become exposed to these ROS are destroyed. 4. Gamma Radiation - it is the most cost-effective technology because of the good penetration greatly reducing the need for material handling. 5. Electron Beam Irradiation - electron beam irradiation uses electrons accelerated in an electric field to a velocity close to the speed light.
- What are the other possible materials that SMOP guides could be printed with? MED610 is the most ideal material solution for printing SMOP guides available at the moment.
We know that our customers use various printers and materials. We (Swissmeda) got different feedback about the resulting quality of the printed guides. Some users are happy, others not. Since we do not have our own experience and test series done with those printers and materials, we can’t give any recommendations. |
The first SMOP template and SMOP experience
04. June 2019
Swissmeda team always wants to share the best experience with the users and with those who are interested to start with digital implant planning.
We’ve decided to interview one of our users to share his experience and impression about the first template and his experience working with SMOP.
Dr. Ricky Martin Llorca, our Service Center director from the Philippines kindly agreed to answer our questions:
- Dr. Llorca, could you please share with us how you found out about SMOP?I was introduced by my technical consultant from Singapore, then we did my first case. It was printed using Dental SG (surgical guide resin). At my practice I use MED610 to print the guides. - What attracted you to start working with SMOP?I like the idea of doing the planning by myself, designing and printing it in my own office.
- What was your impression of receiving the template for the first time?Although I’m happy and surprised about the design but then I needed to learn more about it, meaning learning the system, availability, support.
- How did the first surgery with SMOP pass?Well, I did it all on six, flapless with an immediate provisional hybrid denture. It turned out very well.
- How did your patient react on the surgery with the SMOP template?He was so excited about the plan and the surgery went well, he’s very happy. The next day, early in the morning the patient came unexpectedly! I was a little surprised and nervous but he came only to say - I’m so happy that I’ve chosen your clinic.
That time I told myself - being introduced to the previous software, where you would send the cases to the other country and wait for 2-3 weeks. It causes many disadvantages.
Now, with this new SMOP software it is possible to create everything in my place and it takes less time.
I decided to contact the SMOP headquarters in Zurich and came to visit them to know more about the guided surgery. Lucky enough, I went home bringing SMOP with me.
One year later I established the “Makatidentscan SMOP center” as an authorized SMOP service center in the Philippines. |
Plan to placement: a SMOP training course with a live patient in Bristol on the 29th of June 2018
30. August 2018
On June, 28, our partner ImplantGuidePrint in association with Dentale firstly held a SMOP training course ‘’Plan to Placement’’ for dental implant surgeons interested in acquiring new knowledge and experience for their surgery using the new digital methods of planning and guided placement. The speakers of this event were Dipl.-Ing. Florian C. Schober, an expert in guided surgery and 3D implant planning, and Jason Buglass, an implant surgeon and trainer in implant surgery. |
Meet the new version of Smop 2.14.2 released!
06. August 2018
Our team is constantly working to improve our products to better meet all your needs. Smop has always featured an intuitive interface and high quality. Now, this new version is even faster, easier, and more enjoyable.
Smop 2.14.2 introduces many new features, including:
- New implant series integrated from the leading implant manufacturers - Ability to move Model and Wax up data simultaneously - Color customization for Model and Wax up data - Improved “Rough fit” procedure - Enhanced “Print Screen” functionality - Enhancement in template design
New implant series integratedThe choice of implants has never been easier! For your convenience, we have now integrated new implant series from such leading implant manufacturers as Osstem Implant, Southern Implants, Medentika, B&B Dental, Futur Implants, Thommen Medical, C-Tech, and Alpha Bio.
Move Model and Wax up data simultaneouslyThis feature allows you to align Model and Wax up data simultaneously. Thus, there is no need for additional steps to adjust every object position. To use this functionality, simply activate it in the Shell settings and apply to the case you are working on.
Color customization for Model and Wax up dataWith this feature, you can customize color settings for Model and Wax up data by configuring your own default colors in the Shell settings. Please note that these settings will be applied to all newly created cases.
Improved “Rough fit” procedureWith enhanced automatic calculation of the object position, the matching procedure becomes much easier, saving you time and effort in picking the most accurate object position.
Enhanced “Print Screen” functionalityThis functionality stores all case screenshots in a separate folder created automatically using the case ID, thus simplifying the overall process. You do not have to look through multiple screenshots to find the one you need. Simply enter the case ID to find the folder with the required screenshot. Enhancement in template designThe improved functionality now allows imprinting the necessary information even on a short arch.
In addition, you will find improved performance from a modernized codebase and bug fixing, as well as increased security and reliability of patient data.
Moreover, you do not have to worry about possible compatibility and update issues, as these are checked before installing the software. For us, software improvement is a continuous and constant process. Simply enjoy the application and stay tuned!
Swissmeda at ORGS 2018
29. May 2018
Swissmeda at ORGS 2018
Swissmeda participated in the Oral Global Reconstruction Symposium organised by Camlog in Rotterdam in April. Several lectures showed the use of our planning system and templates.
Workshops at ORGS 2018
The symposium offered multiple workshops. Our methodology was shown in several of them. Two workshops were concentrated on implant planning and surgical templates and showed the possible services. Dr. Ignacio Sanz Sanchez from the Complutense University of Madrid and Dipl.-Ing. Florian Schober from the University of Zurich showed in English how our methodology improves the work of surgeons and dental technicians. Dr. Oliver Hugo and Mr. Ulf Neveling presented a workshop on the topic in German.
The participants which came from different countries were enthusiastic and inspired to learn new tools for their work using the SMOP planning program. The doctors heard interesting technical and practical aspects how to become familiar with this technology and how to apply it on a daily routine. They also found out how to be more predictable avoiding the pitfalls that may occur during the treatment.
Poster SectionA lot of posters on the conference showed work and research where our system was included. You can find some examples as: 1. Integration of DICOM and STL files for oral rehabilitation with implant guided surgery; Irene C. García Martínez, Carlos Carrascosa Milo, Antonio Meaños Somoza, Ignacio Sanz Sánchez, Guillermo Pradíes Ramíro 2. Immediate Implants & Immediate Prostheses. A guided surgery approach in the Anterior Maxilla; Antonio Meaños Somoza, Immaculada Gonzáles, Pablo Gómez Cogolludo, Alberto Ortiz-Vigón, Guillermo Pradíes, Ignacio Sanz Sánchez 3. Implant treatment in the aesthetic zone: Case report; Dr. Jan Spieckermann, Ulf Neveling 4. Enhancing aesthetics outcomes through digital planning for implant supported reconstruction: a case report; Christian Rodriguez Gonzales, Sandra Donato Romo, Sergio Martinez Villa, Guillermo Pradíes Ramíro, Ignacio Sanz Sánchez 5. Multidisciplinary treatment and computer assisted implant planning in an esthetic zone: a case report; Rodrigo Pérez-Tabarnero, Marta; Albizu Rodrigues, NIeves; Pulcini, Alberto; Pradíes Ramíro, Guillermo; Sanz Sánchez, Ignacio 6. Full arch delayed implant placement with fully guided surgery. Case report. M. Solonko, H. Ribeiro-Vidal, E. Montero, I. Sanz Sánchez, M. Sanz
All of them can be found via this link: https://orfoundation.org/poster-competition/poster-competition-2018/ PartyIn the evening there was an unforgettable party. It took place in a very special location, in Laurenskerk church in Rotterdam.
A new version of SMOP app 2.12 - what makes it different?
09. June 2017
Our system in Quintessenz Zahntech!
08. May 2017
Quintessenz Zahntech, March 2017
"Effizienzsteigerung bei der Implantatbehandlung durch optimierten Workflow" Schober, Florian / Fehmer, Vincent / Pitta, Joao / Sailer, Irena
Die Bedeutung der dreidimensionalen Bildgebung hat bei der Vorbereitung einer Implantatbehandlung in den vergangenen Jahren weiter zugenommen. In diesem Zusammenhang sind zahlreiche neue Bildbetrachtungsprogramme und Systeme auf den Markt gekommen, die helfen sollen, den Eingriff besser vorzubereiten und durchzuführen. Die Autoren zeigen auf, welche Vorteile bestehen, wenn die einzelnen Prozessschritte auf die richtigen Akteure verteilt werden, und in welcher Form der zahntechnische Dienstleister hier für alle Beteiligten gewinnbringend arbeiten kann. Sie beschreiben, wie die Effizienz der Behandlung durch den optimierten digitalen Workflow der SMOP-Software von Swissmeda gesteigert werden kann. DVT, CBCT, CAD/CAM-gefertigte Implantatschablonen, 3-D-Druck, Implantatposition, digitaler Workflow.
Sie können den Volltext vom Artikel im Online-Shop der Zeitschrift Quintessenz Zahntechnik finden. |
Smop now on Mac
26. January 2016
We are excited to announce that Swissmeda 2.10 just launched on Mac. From now you can work on the same case in your office on a Windows computer and finish your work on your Mac at home. Swissmeda Mac App will be compatible with OS X 10.9+ (Mavericks or newer).
The basic user interface of the planning tool has been slightly improved, but functionality on Mac is nearly the same as on Windows.
This is just the first release, we keep improving it both functionally and visually over the course of the following months. Your feedback is most welcome!
You can download the new Mac App here: Swissmeda for Mac
New Features and Bug Fixes
26. January 2016
There have been a lot of changes and improvements since the last version. Here we will get you all up to speed on what has been done and what’s to come in the near future.
Improved Offline Mode We’ve implemented a new offline mode, which will switch automatically when you will lose network. (You will be able to keep working on your case during flight or sitting in the back of Taxi.) All saved changes will sync automatically with next network connection, so you will not lose any data. Notice: Please remember to have autologin on, otherwise offline mode will not work because app will block on next opening as no user is logged in.
Work with Multiple Cases We have added the new setting “Open multiple cases simulataneously”. When this setting is enabled, you can work on 2 or more cases in parallel at the same time and increase your productivity.
Added Auto Login option to Login Page Now you can set auto-login setting during your first login. This option is shown at the bottom of the login dialog.
Enhancement for wrong template delivery We have updated the format of stl file saving, now it includes such information as patient id, version and date. Now you don’t have to worry about which version of template you are going to print, you will see all information in the file name.
Improved Data Transfer We are continuously improving our Data Management to bring reliability and increase performance for downloading and uploading cases data.
Scan Adapter export We added Scan Adapter export to simplify the process of constructing prosthetics. All that to make the Swissmeda app a fully functional.
Additional Geometries and Abutments We added additional implant geometries and prothetics |
Improved Case Management - “Shell”
26. January 2016
The new smop shell has been redesigned, to make it easier to find and manage your cases. We invested a lot of time to speed up the shell, so reaction times will be much faster from now.
Now, when you start using the smop shell, it’s simple. It’s clearer where to start and how to find the information you want.
The new top navigation bar highlights the features you need: - create new Planning Case (New Planning Case) - see cases you have created (Cases) - see cases shared with you (Shared Cases) -find your colleagues to collaborate with in our social network
When you go to the Cases or Shared Cases, you’ll see a cleaner, more skimmable list of cases. The improved cases navigation gives you access to everything you need to manage your work to success: improved search and sorting for your data, new pagination to make loading the list faster, and beautiful case preview images in bigger resolution.
You can also see we have increased the size of case items, to make clear, consistent information hierarchy throughout, so you can quickly scan a page for the important information. And new circular progress bars per case, copying user experience from our iOS application, letting you control data transfer in efficient way, so you can focus on the work at hand.
The new Swissmeda is a fundamental evolution of our product, and with it, the easiest way to manage your implant plannings and get results.
We want Swissmeda to be a great experience for everyone, whether you’re using your laptop, your desktop computer or even if you prefer to only work with a mobile device.
You can check it out on Mac, Windows and IOS APP today. We hope you love it! |
2 days advanced SMOP navigated implantology course in Budapest 12-13 June 2015
10. July 2015
Smop’s Hungarian distributor, Merfol Ltd, organized a 2 days advanced course in Hungary presented by Dipl.-Ing. Florian Schober.
Beside the Hungarian dentists, other dental professions from different countries attended this course.
The participants got very useful information about the digital tools of implantology from the basics (i.e. imaging techniques CT, CBCT, intraoral scan) all the way to deep details of the SMOP software possibilities. They also could use their fresh knowledge on the hands-on planning and drilling with template practices.
Thanks to Dipl.-Ing. Florian Schober for presenting an excellent 2 days course. It was a great experience for us and all the participants!
Great start in Japan
26. June 2015
The launch of smop in Japan took place in the middle of May.
Camlog Japan was about to start a smop service center in Tokyo and invited Ulf Neveling from Stentists to Japan to give an intensive training.
Within 5 days we had intensive lessons with more than 50 employees and customers who learned a lot about the virtual world of implant-planning. From the upload of DICOM-data to implant planning, designing the stents and preparing abutments and provisionals fully digitally we got into all existing aspects.
We wish the Tokyo Center a very successful start and are happy to have been able to support them.
smop App now available on iTunes
17. June 2015
The new smop App is now available for your iPad and iPhone! Visit the AppStore and download the most recent version of the smop App to you iPhone or iPad and have all your implant planning cases available wherever you are. That way you can easily agree on your current plannings with your clients or dental team.
Get your smop App here: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id971741467
Advanced Course in Implant Dentistry in Atlanta, USA
09. June 2015
Dr. Ronald Jung and Prof. Florian Schober presented a 2 Day Advanced Course in Implant Dentistry on May 15 & 16, in Buckhead.
We were very fortunate to have Prof. Florian Schober here to share his course, "Surgical and Prosthetic Decisions for Successful Implant Therapy".
We can't say enough about how grateful we are to Prof. Florian Schober, Dr. Rony Jung and our clients for committing this weekend in May to the pursuit of dental excellence. It was a great experience!
Visit smop at the IDS 2015 in Cologne!
09. March 2015
smop will now be available for Mac, iPhone and iPad! You'll be able to surf the 3D layers, comment or approve planings and templates with the smop-App!
------------------------------------------------------------------ The 3D-printed smop template is of highest quality, fits perfectly and in addition not expensive. The design provides a very good view during all steps of surgery.
------------------------------------------------------------------ Bring your own case to the IDS and have it panned live at the fair! You just need the following stuff:
Neue Gruppe - Intensive implant planning workshop with live surgery in Cologne
09. March 2015
In the wonderful surroundings of Dr. Pascal Marquardt's practice the "Neue Gruppe" hosted a 2-day-workshop. The participants worked on their own cases using the smop software under guidance of Dr. Pascal Marquardt and Ulf Neveling. During the live surgery it began to show how many additional advantages the new virtual sharing possibilities using smop can bring. So it was possible to imply a purely digitally produced functional-aesthetic provisional - based solely upon the virtual planning. Thanks to all the participants - it was a very productive course that was a lot of fun for everyone! We are looking forward to repeat such a course soon... |
Comprehensive 3-day-course with the first American group at the University Zurich
23. September 2014
A large group of American dentists and specialists came to Zurich this September to participate in the renowned 3 day course on implant dentistry at the University of Zurich. 3D implant planning and template guided surgery had been the main focus in addition to all other relevant topics. A large team of the Center for Dental Medicine of the University helped the participants cooperatively during the numerous hands-on exercises. The course was a great success. The participants gave us enthusiastic feedbacks. We are very happy to have gained so many new users in the US and will be happy to support them furthermore.
smop at the Camlog Congress in Valencia
06. August 2014
PD Dr. Sebastian Kühl from Basel presented results of a study where he compares the accuracy of manually built drilling templates to the printed templates of Swissmeda. His results reveal that the printed smop templates are far more acccurate! We are eagerly looking forward to the publication of that study.
Prof. Dr. Irena Sailer from Geneva presented the status quo as well as future tendencies of digital workflows in dentistry. Her presentation contained firsts results of the recent developments of Swissmeda and the integration of 3D face cans into the planning data.
Outstanding results with the new Camlog Guide system at a live surgery
11. June 2014
At the intensive training "Computer aided implantology" in Munich with Dr. Claudio Cacaci the new Camlog drills were used in combination with a smop drilling template. The new Camlog system convinced all participants of its easy and accurate application. We are excited about the commercial launch and the following experiences.
Dr. Schnutenhaus points out the advantages of guided implantology with smop
03. June 2014
The sold-out training in Hilzingen (near Singen, Germany) was a successful event to show dentists and dental technicians the advantages of our smop-system in combination with the new Camlog Guide 2.0. Dr. Jörg Danzberg (Swissmeda), Dr. Sigmar Schnutenhaus (Praxis Dr. Schnutenhaus) and Herr Oliver Keller (Camlog) presented the event. The closing live surgery by Dr. Schnutenhaus using a smop template and the new Camlog Guide 2.0 was one of the overall highlights.
New release-version 2.7 of smop implant planning software
31. January 2014
After our version 2.6 with the first version of the template-designer module, we were able to optimize the functionally and focus on an easier integration of all elements of the full process in version 2.7. Additionally we improved the online-ordering functionality for templates and added more implant systems and surgical kits, as requested by their users.
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Live Surgery with smop on IPI Praxistage in Munich
12. December 2013
During the annual „IPI Praxistage“ in Munich on December 6th and 7th our smop System was being presented by local speakers. But the event’s highlight was a live implantation using a smop template. To be able to answer arising questions we had a small booth and were overwhelmed by the interested crowd. Unfortunately time was short so not all visitor’s questions could be answered detailed enough as we would have liked to. |
2nd workshop stent design module at Heller Dental-Technik, Öhringen
12. November 2013
After our successful first user training of the new template-design module in summer, we carried out another intensive Introduction how to create drilling templates digitally in November. We discovered the new functions together during this training and discussed problems that might occur on the way to an own stent design. There were intensive discussions and exchange of experiences on how to create the "optimal" surgical template.
Outlook Future of Guided Implantology on Global Conference of MIS in Cannes
05. July 2013
On the global conference 2013 of MIS in Cannes, Florian Schober from the University of Zurich lectured about the future of Guided Implantology. He provided a clear summery on the available and missing evidence and presented a very comprehensive overview of new possibilities already today and what we can expect from the future.
Conference Digital Dentistry Applications for Implantology at University Complutense in Madrid
03. June 2013
On the first weekend in June 2013 the University Complutense in Madrid organized the Conference "Digital Dentistry Applications for Implantology". After various presentations in the topic of computer assisted implant dentistry, 3D implant planning and guided implant placement from Prof. Mariano Sanz, Dr. Dr. David Schneider, Dr. Manuel Sancho and Dipl.-Ing. Florian Schober on the first day, the participants could learn in intensive hands-on trainings on computers with the smop Software and templates on models the second day. The company Camlog Spain provided drills and implants for the exercises.
New developments presented on IDS 2013: The first software for the virtual design of surgical templates, with open interfaces
03. April 2013
On the IDS we presented our new module of the virtual design of surgical guides to the market. Service Partners and for example Dental Laboratories can design surgical templates based on the prior 3D implant planning and export the result for printing with 3D printers. This open solution was very well appreciated from the market. We had numerous international visitors and were able to expand our international base extensively.
smop on the yearly membership meeting of DGParo in Frankfurt
02. February 2013
On the conference of the German Association of Periodontology (DGParo) in Frankfurt on Feb 2nd, 2013: