
Terry Fohey, Athens, Georgia, USA

Since becoming a SwissMeda, guided surgery center, my clients and patients are receiving more accurate and cost-effective implant dentistry. Our surgeons love the guides.

Terry Fohey, CEO NuCraft Dental Arts, Athens, Georgia, USA ~ September 2014

Stanley D. Satterfield, DMD, Athens, GA, USA

Swissmeda CBCT Implant Guided Surgery


“We have been using the Swissmeda (SMOP) CBCT guided implant surgery system since May 2013 and have used over 120 guides for single and multiple implant cases.”


“We are now placing essentially all dental implants (delayed and immediate) with 3D surgical guides for predictable outcomes surgically and prosthetically.”  These guides know where the sinus, nerve, roots, bone, soft tissue is, and where the future crown will be.  Therefore, you will minimize complications for your patients.  This is an invaluable asset for performing dental implant surgery. 


“We know this system will provide our patients with the best possible results and improve prosthetic and surgical planning among dentist, technicians, and the implant surgeon.”


“If you are serious about providing state of the art 3D guided implant surgery, this is a system you should strongly consider.”

Stanley D. Satterfield, DMD ~ November 2014

Dr. Ayham Arab Oghli, Riad

First I want to thank your corporation. I inserted the implant in three patients using your surgical guide. It fits easily in the mouth and gives an excellent result. 

For one patient I used the template in the lab first to make two temporary crowns and they were nicely fitted to the implant in the patient mouth.   

- Dr. med. dent. Ayham Arab Oghli, Lasting Smile Dental Clinics, Riad, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Claudio Cacaci, Munich

The SMOP software from Swissmeda is very intuitively designed and very easy to use. The software is free, eliminating the need for making significant investment in a planning application. 

The only costs are the annual support and usage fee and the case-related costs that vary by the service. I have high expectations for this model and I am convinced that this will be the right way to implement this technology in the practice.   

The workflow is optimised considerably and the whole process can be organised much more practically compared to other systems. This eliminates all of the preparatory efforts and expenses for planning. All of the individual planning phases (in situ models, set-up / wax-up) can be saved digitally and integrated with x-ray data available through the platform. 

Many communication steps and creation of the scan templates in the lab are eliminated. From my perspective, the SMOP workflow is a much better method overall. There are no fees until all of the components fit and the patient gives the OK to proceed. For me, this is the practical way to use template-guided implants in the practice these days. 

- Dr. med. dent. Claudio Cacaci, Implantat Competence Centrum, Munich

Prof. Dr. Dr. Rolf Ewers, Vienna

One of my research interests is navigated surgery. The Smop planning system from Swissmeda is the answer we have been waiting for so long. 

Implant planning and the use of drilling templates is no longer reserved just for specialists.  

The system is so simple and logical that I have to recommend it for anyone who places implants. 

- Prof. Dr. Dr. Rolf Ewers, C.M.F. Institut Ges.m.b.H., Vienna

PD Dr. Ronald Jung, Zurich

As one of the leading universities in dentistry, we focus on identification and promotion of new approaches that significantly improve existing technologies and processes. 

We recognised early on that Swissmeda's template technology was just such an innovation. What should be emphasised is the new "light" construction method with the defined contact points and the option of printing these templates using 3D printing. 

Teamwork plays an increasingly significant role in improving the quality of planning and reducing costs. With its planning system, Swissmeda's provides an innovative solution for this. The server-based online system reduces the effort required for the exchange of design data to a mouse click. 

We are very satisfied with our use of SMOP planning system and can only support the further development of Swissmeda's digital planning. 

- PD Dr. med. dent. Ronald Jung, Zentrum für Zahnmedizin der Universität Zürich, Zurich

ZTM Ralf Kräher-Grube, Hamburg

As a specialised dental laboratory for implant technology in Hamburg, we rely on quick, simple and easy communication with dentists and surgeons. 

The opportunities and the demand for high-precision drilling templates for guided implantology are evolving rapidly at the moment. We are only able to work efficiently and make templates quickly if the data exchange and the communication among the team -- that is -- between the surgeon and the treating physician -- is made quick and direct through the click of a mouse online, and if it can easily be implemented in everyday use. 

This is precisely what Swissmeda has done with its SMOP planning community. The ease of use and the fact that we no longer need expensive scan templates in advance also speak for this system: The entire process is a lot more efficient. I am absolutely convinced and highly recommend SMOP! 

- ZTM Ralf Kräher-Grube, Cuspidus Zahntechnik GmbH, Hamburg

Dr. Beat Kurt, Luzern

I have been working with various systems for guided implantation planning and insertion for nearly 10 years. SMOP has provided software for two years that satisfies every requirement. 

We can barely remember the easy installation, because we immediately started planning cases at the first program launch without requiring a long introduction to the software. Of course, despite the fact that the software is very intuitive, you can get even more from it, by getting tips from the pros or by taking a training course. 

I especially liked that in addition to a conventional planning approach, there is now also an entirely digital workflow either for partially edentulous patients or through utilization of planning implants and the use of a printed splint. 

And let's not forget the interaction both with the support centre and with referral dentists or specialist colleagues. 

- Dr. med. dent. Beat Kurt, Zahnarztpraxis Dres. Kurt, Baumgartner & Brunner, Luzern

Dr. Pascal Marquardt, Cologne

I have been using template-guided implants for many years now and am very familiar with all of the systems. Swissmeda's new planning community is finally available to those of us providing treatment and is oriented towards our needs: 

It is much easier to use, the processes are fast and the new templates work great. 

- Dr. med. dent. Pascal Marquardt, Marquardt & Partner, Zahnärzte Marienburg, Cologne

Dr. Matthias Müller, Hamburg

The perfect crown on the perfect implant is the goal of the dental-technical surgical team in modern dentistry. 

The online SMOP system provides a comprehensive tool to that end. The program enables the analysis of DICOM data, the combination with surface scan data from model scans and intraoral scanners, the precise planning of the prosthetic and implant position, the sharing of the results within the team and the all-digital design of navigation templates for guided implantation. 

All steps of the process are online-based and can be carried out simultaneously by the entire team. SMOP therefore provides a modern effective tool that optimises implantology and prosthodontics within the digital workflow of the team.

- Dr. med. dent. Matthias Müller, Privatpraxis Dr. Müller, Hamburg

Dr. Dr. David Schneider, Zurich

Universities develop new ideas and implement them in parallel to established solutions in the clinic. The subject-specific knowledge and capabilities are too limited at most clinics to implement digital innovations. 

We have found a competent partner in the new company, Swissmeda, who provided us with support for promising software projects. For example, in 2011 we collaborated on the development of software in order to be able to measure and evaluate volume changes in soft tissue structure. This software allows us to perform highly precise, reproducible and documentable assessments. We are currently using the software for various projects. 

The collaboration with Swissmeda has been very productive and fun too, for everyone involved. 

- Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. David Schneider, Zentrum für Zahnmedizin der Universität Zürich, Zurich

Dr. Sigmar Schnutenhaus, Hilzingen

Safety, efficiency, convenience, patient comfort – these aspects are very important to me. I have been placing implants under surgical stent guidance for many years and can only warmly recommend this to all my colleagues. The swissmeda software has opened up a whole new world of navigated implant placement for me. 

The system is extremely stringently designed – you can almost physically sense all the clinical experience the developers brought to this project. The classic workflow of navigated implantology has been shortened and simplified significantly, eliminating numerous costly and time-consuming intermediate steps. CBCT – set-up – implant planning: these are the few steps needed for delicately yet high-precision surgical templates. 

For me, this is what modern oral implantology is all about. The procedure and results fully match my high expectations. At first, it almost felt as if this was my very own software, programmed specifically to suit me and my personal tastes. But when I heard how enthusiastic other dentists sounded, I quickly realized that this was simply because swissmeda has managed to deliver a highly practical solution. 

- Dr. med. dent. Sigmar Schnutenhaus, Hilzingen

Dr. Michael Loden, Warner Robins, Georgia, USA

With the advent of Swissmeda's intuitive implant planning software, accompanied with Nucraft's ability to support the software and print highly accurate 3D guides, I can literally plan the surgical and prosthetic component of every implant case. Full collaboration between the surgeon, restorative dentist, and laboratory technician ,via one-click sharing on the internet, occurs PRIOR TO IMPLANT PLACEMENT. This game changing innovation provides remarkable predictability, and has eliminated prosthetic and economic "surprises" for every case.  

Dr. Michael Loden, DMD, Georgia, USA ~ January 2015

DDS Magazine, issue #5, May 2024
DDS Magazine, issue #5, May 2024

 A fully guided digital workflow for predictable implant planning and placement

Dr. Beat R. Kurt

Praktische Implantologie und Implantatprothetik | pip 4 | April 2021
Praktische Implantologie und Implantatprothetik | pip 4 | April 2021

Neue Präzision in der Sofortversorgung
Sofortimplantation – versorgt mit einer präoperativ gefertigten CAD/CAM-mplantatkrone

Infodent magazine/Dental Tech, May 2021
Infodent magazine/Dental Tech, May 2021

# GuidedImplantSurgery

Tecnologia per tutti?


Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International, Ausgabe 3, March 2020
Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International, Ausgabe 3, March 2020

Digital treatment planning and prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient suffering from generalized tooth wear

Marie-Elise Jennes, Prof. Dr. Benedikt Spies

Quintessenz zahnmedezin, Ausgabe 1, January 2020
Quintessenz zahnmedezin, Ausgabe 1, January 2020

Schablonengeführte Biopsie bei odontogenen und maxillofazialen Knochentumoren


Silvio Valdec, Quirin Döbelin, Martin Lotz, Kristian Ikenberg, Bernd Stadlinger,  Dominique Bichsel


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Quintessenz zahntechnik, December 2019
Quintessenz zahntechnik, December 2019

Effizienzsteigerung bei der Implantatbehandlung durch optimierten Workflow

Für die Vorbereitung erforderliche Schritte wurden reduziert und nötige Schritte an den zahntechnischen Spezialisten delegiert


ZTM Vincent Fehmer


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Odontología digital, December 2019
Odontología digital, December 2019

Ciencia y práctica


Dr. Giuliano Fragola

Licenciado en Odontología por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Máster en Implantología, Periodoncia y Rehabilitación Oral.

Director Médico de Estudio Dental Majadahonda (Madrid).

ZWR - Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt, November 2019
ZWR - Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt, November 2019

Komplett navigierte Sofortimplantation in Regio 21 und 23 und provisorische Versorgung mit einer vorgefertigten Brücke im oberen Frontzahnbereich


Ausgezeichnet als beste digitale implantatbehandlung beim Digital Dental Academy Award 2018; Beat R. Kurt (Luzern)

Dentale Implantologie, Ausgabe 07, November 2019
Dentale Implantologie, Ausgabe 07, November 2019

Therapie- und Implantatentscheidung: Wenn der Zahnarzt zum Patienten wird

ZA Tomás Gaßmann, Dr. Dr. med Rainer S.R. Buch

Zahn-Zeitung Schweiz, September 2019
Zahn-Zeitung Schweiz, September 2019

Navigierte Sofortimplantation und provisorische Versorgung mit einer vorgefertigten Brücke.

Dr. Beat R. Kurt


Ausgezeichnet als beste digitale Implantatbehandlung mit Digital Dental Academy Award.


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L’information dentaire №32, September 2019
L’information dentaire №32, September 2019

Positionnement 3D des implants dans le secteur antérieur : enjeux et mise en œuvre

Jonatan BELEY, Dominique DUPONT, Nicolas JAGER


Le bon positionnement dans les trois plans de l’espace constitue l’un des facteurs de pronostic les plus importants des implants placés dans le secteur antérieur maxillaire. Il existe aujourd’hui des procédés d’imagerie 3D modernes ainsi que des logiciels spécialisés qui permettent de planifier et de mettre en œuvre le positionnement implantaire avec  précision et facilité.

Z Oral Implant, April 2019
Z Oral Implant, April 2019

Frontzahnimplantat mit provisorischer Versorgung:

Patientenorientiertes Überweiserkonzept
Dr. Alexander Volkmann


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ZMK, Ausgabe 11, November 2018
ZMK, Ausgabe 11, November 2018

Keramikimplantate – Exoten oder sinnvolle Erweiterung des Behandlungsspektrums? 

Dr. Jens Tartsch 

The digital dentist magazine, February 2018
The digital dentist magazine, February 2018

"Immediate implantation and reconstruction: a complete digital workflow"

Learn how the right systems and software can lead to a faster final outcome

Dr. Beat R. Kurt

Implantologie, February 2018
Implantologie, February 2018

Sofortimplantation und Rekonstruktion:

Ein vollständig digitaler Workflow 

Dr. Beat R. Kurt


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Zahn-Zeitung Schweiz, May 2018
Zahn-Zeitung Schweiz, May 2018

Ein vollständig digitaler Workflow Sofortimplantation und Rekonstruktion


Diese klinische Fallstudie beschreibth einen vollständig digitalen Workflow - von der Sofortimplantation bis zur finalen Rekonstruktion. Der Patient kam mit einem externen Granulom in der Front in die Praxis. Der Ersatz des Frontzahns erfolgte unter Verwendung des Carestream Dental CS 3600, dem Camlog Conelog Implantatsystem sowie der smop Planungssoftware und der exocad Software.


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Quintessenz Zahntech, March 2017
Quintessenz Zahntech, March 2017

Effizienzsteigerung bei der Implantatbehandlung durch optimierten Workflow

Schober, Florian / Fehmer, Vincent / Pitta, Joao / Sailer, Irena


Die Bedeutung der dreidimensionalen Bildgebung hat bei der Vorbereitung einer Implantatbehandlung in den vergangenen Jahren weiter zugenommen. In diesem Zusammenhang sind zahlreiche neue Bildbetrachtungsprogramme und Systeme auf den Markt gekommen, die helfen sollen, den Eingriff besser vorzubereiten und durchzuführen. Die Autoren zeigen auf, welche Vorteile bestehen, wenn die einzelnen Prozessschritte auf die richtigen Akteure verteilt werden, und in welcher Form der zahntechnische Dienstleister hier für alle Beteiligten gewinnbringend arbeiten kann. Sie beschreiben, wie die Effizienz der Behandlung durch den optimierten digitalen Workflow der SMOP-Software von Swissmeda gesteigert werden kann. DVT, CBCT, CAD/CAM-gefertigte Implantatschablonen, 3-D-Druck, Implantatposition, digitaler Workflow.



ddm, Ausgabe 1, 2015
ddm, Ausgabe 1, 2015

Die navigierte Implantologie im täglichen Praxisablauf 
Ein Erfahrungsbericht zu den Vorteilen der Implantat-Planungssoftware „smop“
Dr. Kilian David Hansen, Dr. Daniel Bäumer, Prof. Dr. med. Marc Hürzeler


IDT, January 2015
IDT, January 2015

Single implant-borne reconstruction in the aesthetic area

Daniel S Thoma outlines the treatment undertaken for a patient with fractured central incisors using ridge preservation 


Dentale Implantologie & Parodontologie, February 2015
Dentale Implantologie & Parodontologie, February 2015

Die dreidimensionale Implantatplanung als Grundlage zur minimalinvasiven Implantattherapie.

Dr. Claudio Cacaci



read more 

Swiss Dental Journal, March 2014
Swiss Dental Journal, March 2014

"L’implantologie guidée par gabarit avec le logiciel open access smop"
Une présentation de cas issu de la pratique

Dr. med. dent. Beat R. Kurt


Teamwork, January 2013
Teamwork, January 2013

"Wahlfreiheit: Navigiertes Vorgehen Ja oder Nein? Wie der Behandler mit einem flexiblen Konzept fallspezifisch agieren kann" 
Dr. med. dent. Pascal Marquardt 

Quintessenz Zahntechnik, Laborprofil, January 2013
Quintessenz Zahntechnik, Laborprofil, January 2013

"Cuspidus Zahntechnik GmbH" 
ZTM Ralph Kräher-Grube, ZTM Stephan Marzok

Dentale Implantologie, March 2013
Dentale Implantologie, March 2013

"Intuitiv zum Ziel navigieren. Das präimplantologische Vorgehen im volldigitalen Workflow" 

Dr. med. dent. Sigmar Schnutenhaus

Quintessenz, March 2013
Quintessenz, March 2013

"Eine neue Generation effizienter Bohrschablonen für die Implantologie. Digital, dreidiensional, onlinebasiert, interdisziplinär" 

ZTM Ralph Kräher-Grube, Dr. med. dent. Ulrich Konter, Dr. med. dent. Matthias Müller

Dentale Implantologie, December 2013
Dentale Implantologie, December 2013

"Richtungsweisendes Hilfsmittel. Die implantatprothetische Versorgung eines atrophierten Unterkieferseitenzahnbereichs im navigierten Vorgehen"

Dr. med. dent. Beat R. Kurt

ZWP online Newsletter Schweiz 14 March 2012
ZWP online Newsletter Schweiz 14 March 2012

"Innovationsvorsprung am ZZM Zürich - 3-D-Drucker eröffnet neue Perspektiven" (Innovative advance at ZZM Zürich - 3D-printer opens up new perspectives)
Dental Tribune Chief Editor, Johannes Eschmann and med. dent. Roman Wieland sat down for an interview Dipl.-Ing. Florian Schober, who is responsible for the research (link, German)

Digital Dental News, October 2012
Digital Dental News, October 2012

"The big race! Camparison of the digital versus conventional implantation workflow" 

PD Dr. Ronald E. Jung, ZTM / MDT Vincent Fehmer, PD Dr. Irena Sailer, Dr. Dr. David Schneider, Dipl.-Ing Florian Schober

Digital Dental News, October 2012
Digital Dental News, October 2012

"Computerunterstützte Implantologie im Team" 
Dr. med. dent. Matthias Müller

Dental Tribune, October 2011
Dental Tribune, October 2011

regarding the "Neue Gruppe Kongress", 28 October 2011, Zurich. 

  • Die 'Neue Gruppe' tagte in Zürich" (The 'Neue Gruppe' met in Zurich), med. dent. Roman Wieland (link, German)
  • "Digitale Zahnmedizin – Diagnostik, Planung und Umsetzung" (Digital dentistry - diagnostics, planning and implementation), med. dent. Roman Wieland
Quintessenz Zahntechnik, Dezember 2010
Quintessenz Zahntechnik, Dezember 2010

"Navigierte Orale Implantation: Diagnostik mit Swissmeda und Implantation mit dem SIC-Guided-Surgery-System" (Navigated oral implantation: Diagnostics with Swissmeda and implantation with the SIC-Guided-Surgery-System), Dr. med. dent. Pascal Marquardt 


M. Solonko, H.Rebeiro-Vidal, E. Montero, I. Sanz-Sanchez, M. Sanz

Full arch delayed implant placement with fully guided surgery. Case report

Read Full Case Study

Dr. Henriette Lerner

Esthetic Parameters of Digital Planning

Read Full Case Study

Dr. Dominique Dupont

Full-arch maxillary rehabilitation on 4 implants: fast and accurate intervention thanks to INITIAL guided surgery

Read Full Case Study

Essentials of Digital Dentistry | Video 1 | Dose

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #SCAN! - Video 2

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #SCAN!- Video 3

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #SCAN!- Video 4

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #SCAN!- Video 5

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #SCAN!- Video 6

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #SCAN!- Video 7

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #SCAN!- Video 8

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #SCAN!- Video 9

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #SCAN!- Video 10

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #PLAN!- Video 11

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #PLAN!- Video 12

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #PLAN!- Video 13

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #PLAN!- Video 14

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #PLAN!- Video 15

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #PLAN!- Video 16

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #PLAN!- Video 17

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #PLAN!- Video 18

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #PLAN!- Video 19

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #PLAN!- Video 20

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #MAKE!- Video 21

Essentials of Digital Dentistry- #MAKE!- Video 22

ESSENTIALS of Digital Dentistry- #MAKE- Video 23

Dr. Yoko Yamada, DDS, MSD

Digital Dental Guided Surgery by CBCT, Intraoral Scanner and SMOP Guide

Read Full Case Study

Dr. Xiaolong Chang

Application in immediate implantation cases

Read Full Case Study

Dr. Dr. Giuliano Fragola

4th quadrant partially edentulous - Initial guided surgery case

Read Full Case Study

Dr. Saurabh Gupta

Digital workflow with a metal-free surgical guide and zirconia implant

Read Full Case Study

Dr Antonio Lipari, Dr Mario Perotti, Marco Marzolla & Dr Valerio Bini

A multidisciplinary digital approach to a complex case surgical, aesthetic and occlusal procedure planning for implant-supported full-arch prostheses

Read Full Case Study

Dr. Lei Mu

SMOP: one half guided surgery case in partial edentulous jaws

Read Full Case Study

Dr. Mathieu Rousset

Apport dans l'empreinte optique dans le workflow implantaire

Read Full Case Study